
New York Governor Signs Puppy Mill Regulation Bill

What a great victory for animal rights.

I don’t know if you have walked through any of our shelters lately, they are overflowing with pets who need homes. I hear the well meaning message from  rescue groups “don’t buy a puppy until all animals  in our shelters have homes.” While this is well meant it doesn’t address the root of the problem. We must put  puppy mills and backyard breeders out of business or  we will continue to fight a losing battle against the overpopulation in our shelters.

Many of you who know me know I think less government is better. However government should stand up for those who cannot stand up for themselves. That would include the elderly, children, and animals.

Obviously the laws that we have on the books right now either are not being implemented or just don’t work. It is time to make some changes. Good job New York, the state of Georgia could take a list lesson on this one.

Your Puppy and their Pet Sitter



Well it is definitely that time of year where people have gotten puppies for Christmas presents. They are totally adorable bundles of fur and love.  You took the time to pick the perfect puppy that will fit in with your family. You have spent days coming up with unique name for this wonderful new arrival. Now the real work starts. While the puppy is young it is the perfect time to instill the rules of the house to ensure a lifelong loving happy relationship.


The phones at Gwinnett Pet Watchers are ringing off the hook. New and existing clients are calling to get our help in raising their new puppy’s. This is one of our favorite times of the year. After all we get all the snuggles all the puppy breath without ever getting our shoes chewed on.

We have a special product called a potty break. We offer this service for all of Lawrenceville, Buford, Dacula ,Sugar Hill and Suwannee . We also offer this service to most of Loganville, Grayson and Snellville. We added the potty break to our line’s of  services when we realized there were a lot of people in Gwinnett County that are away from home for long periods of time Monday through Fridaybecause of their long commute to work . The potty break is ideal for the dog whose owner is at home in the morning, and in the evening to walk and give it plenty of attention. What we do is come in the middle of the day and get the pup to outside for a bathroom break.

People with new puppies use this service a little differently. Many will have us come in at 10 or 10:30 AM for the first break and then come back around 2 or 2:30 PM for the second break. With this schedule the puppy is only in its crate for 3 to 4 hours in between breaks. The client pays $10 per visit and in this example $20 per day. A price that is well worth the jumpstart to house training.


When the puppy gets to be about eight months old (like children each puppy develops at a different rate) we can usually move to one 30 minute walk. This gets the puppy out of its crate for a nice walk to get some exercise and to expel some energy. This  makes for a much happier experience for the owners when they come home from a long day at the office.

Call us today 404-819-3641 to  set up your free consultation. We can come up with the perfect plan for you and your new puppy.

Puppy Boot Camp :Potty Training


New Puppy Boot Camp: Potty Training

Introducing your new puppy to potty training can be a frustrating and grueling task but with patience and consistency you will succeed. In this post I will describe ways to make potty training easier for both you and your pup.

Eliminate the Possibility of Accidentspuppy white background

Accidents are inevitable but there are a few things you can do to lessen their likeliness of happening.

  • Keep a constant routine. Make feeding time and potty breaks the same time each day. Eating at the same time each day will usually mean needing to go out at the same time too. Scheduled potty breaks can also teach your pup that they can rely on you to let them out and they won’t need to resort to going inside.
  • Take away water in the evening so that your pup doesn’t need to go out during the night.
  • Clean up soiled surfaces. Pups are likely to return to the same spot, especially if a residue or scent remains. Invest in carpet cleaner to get out tricky stains.

Praising & Scolding

  • When your puppy goes to the bathroom outside make sure you immediately respond with praise, whether in the form of cheer or a treat. This reaction lets your pup know that he or she has done something good and that this good thing makes you happy (and might even result in a yummy snack). Be consistent with your potty praise so that your pet associates one with the other.
  • Scolding when your pup goes to the bathroom indoors is necessary but needs to be done right. If you come home to an accident, it’s too late. Your pup will unlikely connect your anger with the accident. However, if you catch your pet in the act, it is wise to quickly interrupt them by distracting them (speaking loudly works) and then instantly taking them outside so they can continue. Once they have finished outside it is then appropriate to praise as usual to signal that the change in behavior was good and appreciated.puppy potty training bells

While You’re Away

Pups under a year old need a little more TLC than older dogs. A young puppy will need to go to the bathroom every couple of hours so if you have a fulltime job or expect to be out of the house for a long period of time, it is best to have someone let your pup out for you during the first year.

At Gwinnett Pet Watchers we offer an affordable service called Potty Breaks. Monday through Fridays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. you are able to call on us to let your pup out for a quick ten-minute break. Call us at (404) 819-3641 or send us a message if you’re interested in learning more about this service.