A Common Saying…
I am sure you have seen posted far and wide the saying, “All you need is love…and a dog.” From Facebook to Twitter to wall signs…I have seen it just about everywhere. Why is it seen from coffee mugs to t-shirts? Because it is the universal truth. Our dogs keep us healthy and happy. Literally. The American Heart Association found that pet owners lowered their risk of heart attack. And people who have heart disease and who own a pet are more likely to survive a heart attack. Even the CDC has a “Healthy Pets, Healthy People” portal on their website dedicated completely to pet owners. No doubt, pets are a huge part of our lives. Reading and watching all of the scary things that go on in our world, our pets keep the innocence and sanity in our homes for us. Whether they are licking your face, curling up next to you, or wagging their whole body when they greet you when you are coming home from work, all you need is love…and a dog!