
I’ve Got A Beef With Chicken Jerkey Part II

Chicken Jerky Alternatives
Last week I brought you information about the growing concern of feeding your pets chicken jerky made in China. This “treat” has been linked to over two thousand illnesses and deaths of both dogs and cats. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has been warning of the possible danger of chicken jerky made in China since 2007, yet it can still be found on store shelves.
(Review the U.S. Food and Drug Adminstration consumer advisory here.)
As a follow up to my last post, this week I bring you recommendations on some of my most loved dog treats. There are many alternatives to chicken jerky and other pet treats made in China. Here a few of my favorites:
• Beef neck bones: You can find these in the meat section at Publix or your local grocery store. Ask the butcher about purchasing beef neck bones to be used as dog treats. For my dogs, I request they be cut two to two and a half inches thick and usually buy a whole case at a time. This is a very fresh, natural and easy way to provide your dog with a delicious treat. The bones should never be cooked, as that can cause them to become brittle, just pop them in the freezer and take out as needed.
• Kongs: A kong is a great treat and toy for your dog, especially those with tons of energy! Fill and freeze for long lasting entertainment. I personally like to make mine with yogurt or peanut butter, but the possibilities are endless.
• Kona’s Chips: If homemade dog treats don’t fit into your busy schedule, there are also excellent store bought choices. Kona’s Chips is a great brand that offers a variety of different treats that are made in America (my dog Suzy is a big fan of their Chicken Jerky).
• Three Dog Bakery: The “Woof”ers from Three Dog Bakery are always a big hit, but I don’t give them out as often as the others. Although their ingredients are very wholesome and natural, these cookies do contain wheat, which I try to avoid.
I hope you enjoy my suggestions. If you have any questions or other recommendations, feel free to leave them in the comments below.

I’ve got a beef with chicken jerky

I’ve got a beef with chicken jerky
This summer more shocking news flooded in that seemingly innocent dog treats were causing more harm than happiness. Complaints surfaced from pet owners with reason to believe their pets died shortly after eating certain brands of chicken jerky. These new cases added to over two thousand illnesses and deaths that had previously been reported.
So what’s the jury on this jerky? Speculations have been made about the treats’ origin. The product in question, Nestle Purina’s Waggin’ Train Yam Good, is made in China despite misleading packaging that reads, “Waggin’ Train of St Louis Missouri.”
An April investigation by the FDA, which attempted to produce samples from plants in China, was less than successful. No samples were permitted to be released for U.S. testing and it was also discovered by investigators that the number of previous routine tests that were conducted on the meat in question ranged from few to none.
But this news is far from new. The first warning about chicken jerky was released back in 2007. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration released a caution to pet owners in regard to chicken jerky products imported from China. That warning has since been updated in late 2011 and can be reviewed here. However, no proof has yet to be established that these sicknesses and deaths are directly related to the consumption of chicken jerky from China, which is why the treats can still be found on shelves.
Aside from the fact that the U.S. permits pet food to be irradiated at almost twice the limit considered safe for human consumption, this particular case is more likely related to the meat and other specific ingredients that are found in the chicken jerky.
Since the product has yet to be recalled it up to you to protect your pets. We recommended avoiding chicken jerky until further information is provided explaining the exact cause of these unnatural deaths. Many safe alternatives are available, as well as more natural options.
Check back next week for more information on this issue as well as recommendations on some of our most loved dog treats.